Mayor's Message

Dear Istanbulites,
Three years ago, we departed for a new beginning in the streets of Istanbul, the capital of civilisations and empires. From the very first day, we stated that we would make this journey with 16 million Istanbulites without leaving anyone behind and succeed together. We have promised to build the honourable, peaceful and prosperous future that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk aimed for us together. We promised that we would govern this ancient city, which is in the middle of a crisis and lost its direction, with shared wisdom, and common effort, under the guidance of science, by protecting its nature, history, culture and values, and by prioritising the happiness of the people of Istanbul.
After our careful observations of the world's developments for three years and based on the unique conditions of Türkiye and Istanbul, we created Istanbul's 2050 Vision with the contribution of thousands of people. At the end of three years, I can make a realistic claim that we now have a plan for Istanbul, a plan that we draw our future together. This plan will bring hope to all cities of Türkiye and other world metropolises, aiming for democratic life in Istanbul and Türkiye!
In line with the data-based methods, thousands of people's ideas, efforts and contributions formed the Vision 2050 Strategy Document. This document was prepared with an approach that prioritises active participation, accountability, transparency and cooperation. The Vision 2050 Strategy Document discussed the global, national, regional and local problems such as the economic transformation of metropolises and cities, the climate crisis, the prevalence of poverty, social inequalities, and security and pointed out the road map and solutions to these issues.
Furthermore, the Istanbul Vision 2050 Strategy Document accepts a challenge regarding the five main areas of crisis that shape the world of the future: (1) Governance and Democracy, (2) Economy and Development, (3) Ecology and Environment, (4) Urban Built Environment, Transportation and Infrastructure, and (5) Social Welfare and Justice. In the face of these fundamental crises, the Document provides strategies, goals and objectives to ensure that Istanbul takes place it deserves in 2050 and offers social justice and welfare for all Istanbulites. The Istanbul Vision 2050 Strategy Document presents this road map under seven themes:
1. The climate adaptive city that protects the environment
2. Transformative and resilient economy
3. Accessible and fair urban amenities for all
4. Vibrant and sensitive spaces assuring good living for all
5. Effective and inclusive mobility
6. Integrated and smart infrastructure systems
7. Equal and free society
The Istanbul Vision 2050 Strategy Document is the guide for reviving Istanbul. We started by saying, "We Have a Dream for Istanbul". This document foresees crises on different issues, approaches inequality as a fundamental issue, and reveals a plan relying on Istanbul's power, history, and people. The people of Istanbul prepared this plan for Istanbul; it is a guide for everyone who lives and produces in this city.
In 2050, Istanbul will be a
“democratic world city where life is alive and free in all its diversity, and everyone lives well”.