Vibrant And Sensible Spaces Assuring Good Living For All

Public space,Cultural heritage,Urban life,Protection,Sustainability,





Istanbul has been experiencing a rapid urbanisation process since the 1950s; the settlement pattern has spread to ecologically qualified areas such as agricultural and forest lands and water basins. Although the upper-scale plans prepared after 1980 were based on a development approach through an east-west direction for the settlement pattern, Istanbul continued to spread in the north due to unplanned interventions, especially large-scale transportation investments. While Istanbul is spreading towards natural areas, on the other hand, there has been an increase in density in the existing built environment, and public spaces, green and open spaces have decreased. The decrease in green areas in the urban pattern does not only mean a reduction in the places where citizens can socialise and take a breath in the complex city life. In addition, heat islands, which are formed in the built environment and become an even bigger problem with the lack of green space, cause the effects of the climate crisis to be felt more severely.

The effects of the climate crisis affect not only the built environment but also cause severe damage to the bio-culturally vulnerable areas that make up the unique identity of Istanbul. However, the earthquake hazard that Istanbul has faced throughout its history, the structures in flood areas and areas exposed to other hazards pose significant risks due to the old building stock. Although the coastal embankments built to meet the need for green and open space in Istanbul offer an opportunity as public spaces, they contain significant risks in the face of earthquake hazards. The cultural heritage sites and cultural assets of Istanbul, which different identities have created over the centuries, are an essential representation of the city's culture and elements of social belonging. The cultural heritage, one of the primary roots of the tourism potential of Istanbul, is also under the threat of different dangers such as infrastructure projects and the effects of the climate crisis.

In the face of all this, Istanbul will have "vibrant and sensible spaces assuring good living for all" in 2050 by making the urban environment qualified, ensuring its sustainable development, creating dynamic public spaces, and strengthening its connection with urban life by preserving cultural heritage.


The built environment in Istanbul since the 1980s has formed a functional and linear city model along the Silivri-Gebze line and a sprawling city form around the Historical Peninsula, around a Central Business Area (MIA) associated with rail system connections, in an east-west axis. Although the east-west expansion was supposed to ensure the protection of critical wetlands, forests and ecosystems of Istanbul in the north, especially after 2010, infrastructure investments such as the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, Northern Marmara Motorway, and Istanbul Airport and the planned Kanal Istanbul Project, once present conservation policies have been abandoned. The urban sprawl trend towards the north has been strengthened.



Creating a buffer zone between sensible areas and the built environment and developing key functional zones that provide proactive protection

Urban sprawl,Innovation,Research and development,Protection,Urban area,



Ensuring qualitative concentration in the existing structured space

Urban area,Urban sprawl,



Preserving biocultural areas within the built urban area

Biodiversity,Cultural heritage,Society,Protection,



Making urban space resilient to risks and disasters

Resilience,Security,Urban area,



Increasing the quality of urban space by specifying design standards for sustainable construction that take into account the needs specific to the city

Healthy life,Sustainability,Urban area,Public space,Green space,



Ensuring planning and transformation processes with a participatory and inclusive understanding that takes into account the meaning and value of space

Public space,Urban area,Planning,Participation,


In addition to the urban sprawl in Istanbul, the uneven distribution of city centres at different levels negatively affects the quality of the urban space. Therefore, for Istanbul to develop without further spreading to natural areas, it has become a fundamental need to reconstruct the spatial organisation and distribute the urban centres with different functions across the city in a balanced way.



Creating self-sufficient sub-regions with urban amenities and services

Urban area,Aktif hareketlilik,Urban sprawl,Accessibility,



Providing transport links to support spatially equal and multi-central development in the urban areas

Transportation Logistics,Urban area,



Ensuring the spatially equal distribution of urban amenities, serving the city as a whole

Accessibility,Balanced,Urban area,



Reducing the strain of transportation on the city by balancing the distribution of housing and employment

Balanced,Housing,Employment,Urban area,



Re-functioning of unsustainable and idle areas to improve urban opportunities further, create a vibrant and innovative city and make them part of urban life again

Innovation,Urban life,Urban area,


The green spaces, which are gradually decreasing in Istanbul's urbanization dynamic, and below the national standards in terms of their size in almost all districts, public open spaces such as squares, pedestrian zones, beaches, fairgrounds and festival areas are also unevenly distributed in the urban space. As a result, citizens' access to open and green areas, which are one of the most critical elements of the quality of life in the urban system of Istanbul, on foot has been limited. In addition, the natural traces and relations of the urban space have been lost with the filling of coastal areas and various creed rehabilitations.



Increasing the quality of all public spaces and making improvements for their safe and active use

Public space,Cultural heritage,Urban life,Security,Aktif hareketlilik,



Making the public open space system sustainable, flexible, and adaptive, and strengthening public open system connections

Public space,Sustainability,Green space,



Restoring elements of nature and using them within the active public space system

Water resources,Public space,Climate change adaptation,



Creating public spaces that respond to the specific needs of the population living in that area through participatory processes in line with the characteristics of different sub-regions

Public space,Participation,Urban area,



Developing accessible and vibrant coastal areas within the public open space system

Sea Coastal Areas,Accessibility,Protection,Urban area,Public space,



Creating public spaces that allow multiple and joint uses for the future and that nurture social memory

Public space,Living together,



Making cultural heritage part of the public space system

Cultural heritage,Public space,Protection,Urban life,



Creating hybrid public spaces to support the urban economy

Public space,Entrepreneurship,Aktif hareketlilik,Urban life,



Improving public spaces to allow individuals with different physical competencies to participate in urban life

Public space,Disadvantaged groups,Inclusiveness,Urban life,


Istanbul, one of the oldest settlements in the world with its known history, has a multi-layered structure with historical and bio-cultural values, which has traces and textures from different periods, concentrated in the Historical Peninsula-Golden Horn and Bosphorus regions. On the other hand, due to the central function of the Historical Peninsula, which is the focal point of cultural heritage, the regularly increasing transportation load has brought along new infrastructure investments. As a result, it has been destroyed by fragmented practices and building dynamics that distort the silhouette, and its original structure has been threatened.



Ensuring multi-layered integrated protection in cultural heritage areas

Cultural heritage,Protection,



Improving the quality of life in cultural heritage areas and the prevention of abandonment through conservation and restoration

Cultural heritage,Protection,Urban life,Vulnerability,Balanced,



Preserving and developing the use of historical structures in cultural heritage areas

Cultural heritage,Public space,Urban area,Urban life,



Using cultural heritage spaces to meet social needs through creative and innovative approaches

Cultural heritage,Participation,Innovation,Protection,



Ensuring the digital presentation, the documentation, and the management of cultural heritage

Cultural heritage,Technology,Innovation,



Implementing and propagating a site management system that takes into account the principle of subsidiarity and the right to cultural heritage

Cultural heritage,Coordination,Protection,



Developing technical, economic, and management support mechanisms for all stakeholders in the preservation process

Cultural heritage,Finance,Transparency,Monitoring Auditing,Participation,
